Add a banking relationship

This guide explains how to add a banking relationship in the software. Generally, an MCA Concept employee takes care of setting up the banking relationships when the software is installed, but you can add or modify them yourself.

1. Add a banking relationship

Go to “Administration” and click on “Relationships and bank accounts”.

There are two possible scenarios:
– The list contains one or more banking relationships already set up.
– The list contains a default bank relationship to be modified.

Here :

1. Click on the pen to modify the information of an existing banking relationship;


2. Click on “New: banking relationship” to add a new relationship.

To set up the banking relationship :

1. Add a code for the banking relationship (usually “001”, “002”, etc.);

2. Add the name of the bank (UBS, Postfinance, etc.);

3. Add the bank’s BIC/Swift ;

4. Add the bank clearing ;

5. Add the bank abbreviation (UBS, RAIFF, BCV, BVN, PF, etc.);

6. Add the bank’s full name;

7. Add the bank’s postal code ;

8. Add the bank location;

9. If necessary, change the bank’s country;

10. Select the address for payment orders ;

11. Click on the “Save” button to confirm your changes.

Once a banking relationship has been added, you can move on to adding the bank account(s) in the section at the bottom of the page. To find out how to proceed, please refer to the “Add a bank account” guide.